Tuesday, 17 January 2017

A brief guide to conduct business between eastern and western culture

While looking for the business opportunities overseas, companies must pay attention towards the do’s and don’ts and modify their plan of action to set themselves align with the markets of the target areas. As companies in the West attending to the East for business opportunities, it is exigent for business admiral not to be just melded with the accent of the country area they intend to aggrandize into, but they should also deeply dive into the embracing culture of the target country.  In accordance with the Goldman Sachs Next 11 Report, Asia is the storehouse of the potential business opportunities with 6 out of 11 countries treading on the path of globalization. Insightful business magnets know the ropes of conducting the business between East and West, grok deep in the Asian markets to flourish the business.

No to Straight gestures, nod to Relationship Building

Cheng Hing Han, the doyen known for his expert views and research has recently shared his views on the ethics to resonate your business into the new market and what holds together eastern and western markets albeit profound distinctions between their culture. Straight talk is not welcomed in the eastern culture as it brings in confusion. A jarring experience was narrated by Cheng when a senior executive walked off from the conference due to his straight gestures.

Eastern business etiquette hinges on the building relationships, not on the disingenuous schmoozing. Contradictory situations crop up with the flow of relationship building. To make it more clear, Cheng cited an example of the Chinese businessman who “may tell his mate that he is giving him a special price and is not making any mazuma from the deal, albeit the truth is different." So, it conveys the hidden message that the foremost priority of the Chinese business is building of relationship rather than money, but a Westerner can put this in mind if his comfort level of dealing with is high with ignorance of literal meanings of the conversation.

Bottom line

The complete understanding of Asian markets as well as the fundamental distinctions in business etiquette between the Eastern and Western world is cardinal, with a  view to expand business and strive in Asia.( TRANSLATION SERVICES IN NEW YORK)  

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